find a auto macro tool....(google is helpful)
If you find a good one for free.. (there are many free ones), then you can use it to post every 45 seconds (which is the limit) and you can play it back over and over again...
Top posters get ~150 posts a day... With this auto-macro tool.. you can get...1000-1400 posts a day depending on how you set up your macro tool..
Let's get the avg of those two.. 1200 x 3 (3 being the amount of gold/post) = 3600...
With this tool.. you don't have to keep up a refreshing tool.. because your already lurking (by posting)...
So.. that's 4 + 3=7 gold per minute... 7 x 60 (minutes in an hour) =420 gold/hour x24 =10,080 gold/day...
Good luck!
for Gaia Online Cheats.
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1. What I have here is a slightly complicated, but easy cheat that helps you gain gold extremely fast. It can get complex if you choose not to follow, so pay attention. It is not a hack - it merely involves playing around with browser cookies - you see, the Gaia client stores a cookie detailing what you were doing last time you logged out. By fiddling around with the information, we can make it look like you have been gaining gold for a lot longer than you really were.
Follow these instructions very carefully:
1. Log out of Gaia
2. Open up your email account or program. This is so that we can first send a request to the Gaia cookie server in order to decode the information contained within the cookie.
3. Create a new email and address then email to (They use this so it wont be easy to find the email.)
4. You MUST enter the subject line as “DEFAULT” (obviously without the quotation marks)
5. In the email, type this exactly:
config:: mode(cfgDecode);
config:: replymode(the email you used to sign to Gaia);
authorize:: set(your username, your password);
config:: replyto(email);
Except you must replace the bold words with the relevant information (i.e. your Gaia username and password, and your email address) - this is so the cookie request server can authorize and locate your account, and know where to send the reply.
6. Send the email.
7. Wait for the server reply - this will usually take a couple of minutes, maybe days, the server is automated, but can be slow. Occasionally if the server is down it may take a while longer, obviously however long it is until it is back up again.
8. Open the reply email and view the contents. There is a fair amount of information in here, and most of it we do not want. What you need to do first is find and locate a line that starts with:
and at the end of the line will be a file name - this is the cookie you need to open. locate the file on your harddrive and open it in notepad.
9. Now search within the cookie file you have open in notepad, for a line that starts with:
10. At the end of this line will be a number followed by “;”. You need to change the number to 999. Usually the number will be in the range 1-100 depending on what stage of whatever activity you were doing. DO NOT ENTER HIGHER NUMBERS THAN 999. I have tried this out on some of my small accounts and it messes up your account completely. 999 is the maximum.
12. Log onto Gaia to complete, then log out.
Ok, as you probably know these are all scams. After trying countlessly account after account getting hacked and what not, i decided i might as well quit. So, why not try again? i found this website and i knew for a fact i was going to get hacked again. After filling it out, i left the computer and came back the next morning.... and typing in username and pass i new i either would be blocked or "wrong password". I was ready to just leave and maybe read a book or something when it started to load my gaia. I thought that they probably just havnt hacked it yet... when... i saw.... "300,000 gold"!!!! for once in MY LIFE!!!!!!!! it worked! The website is, and it seriously works! my sister and i now have around 300 k! and you can get even more if you want... i do say miracles do happen!! if it doesnt work tell me because i will just give you some of my goldz!!! UHH IM SO :D BECAUSE IT WORKED AND WITHOUT IT I WOULD BE READING A BOOK INSTEAD OF HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE! im still waiting for more goldz though... hopefully they do it again!
Do not download anything. Those might just contain virus, and if runs, it will send your username and password to the hacker who can compromise your account. is the real deal. They do not ask for a password for you to get the free gaia gold. Check them out.