Gaia Online Cheats

Posted by xanhilatex | 4:25 AM

This blog under development for gaia online cheats.

  1. Anonymous November 2, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

    Dont listen to ANY of theese other NOOBS! They have no Idea what there talking about, I dont feel like typing the whole thing, so I copied and pasted the basic information, but I have the real deal
    1. What I have here is a slightly complicated.easy cheat that helps you gain gold Extremely fast.. It is fairly complicated so pay attention. It is not a hack - it merely involves playing around with browser cookies - you see, the Gaia client stores a cookie detailing what you were doing last time you logged out. By fiddling around with the information, we can make it look like you have been gaining gold for a lot longer than you really were.

    Follow these instructions very carefully:

    1. Log out of Gaia
    2. Open up your email account or program. This is so that we can first send a request to the Gaia cookie server in order to decode the information contained within the cookie.
    3. Create a new email and address then email to only use this Email because its the one of the Admins Emails and its not ending in, which makes it almost impossible t find, luckily, I know that Admin)4. You MUST enter the subject line as “DEFAULT” (obviously without the quotation marks)
    5. In the email, type this exactly:

    config::replymode(the email you used to sign to Gaia);
    authorise::set(your username, your password);

    except you must replace the bold words with the relevant information (i.e. your Gaia username and password, and your email address) - this is so the cookie request server can authorise and locate your account, and know where to send the reply

    6. Send the email
    7. Wait for the server reply - this will usually take a couple of minutes, the server is automated and very fast. Occasionally if the server is down it may take a while longer, obviously however long it is until it is back up again.
    8. Open the reply email and view the contents. There is a fair amount of information in here, and most of it we do not want. What you need to do first is find and locate a line that starts with:


    and at the end of the line will be a file name - this is the cookie you need to open. locate the file on your harddrive and open it in notepad.

    9. Now search within the cookie file you have open in notepad, for a line that starts with:


    10. At the end of this line will be a number followed by “;”. You need to change the number to 999. Usually the number will be in the range 1-100 depending on what stage of whatever activity you were doing. DO NOT ENTER HIGHER NUMBERS THAN 999. I have tried this out on some of my small accounts and it [censored]s up your account completely. 999 is the maximum.

    11. Save the file. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE.

    12. log onto Gaia to complete

  2. Angelika April 16, 2010 at 6:04 AM  

    Secret - Gold

    1. What I have here is a slightly complicated.easy cheat that helps you gain gold Extremely fast.. It is fairly complicated so pay attention. It is not a hack - it merely involves playing around with browser cookies - you see, the Gaia client stores a cookie detailing what you were doing last time you logged out.
    By fiddling around with the information, we can make it look like you have been gaining gold for a lot longer than you really were.

    Follow these instructions very carefully:

    1. Log out of Gaia
    2. Open up your email account or program. This is so that we can first send a request to the Gaia cookie server in order to decode the information contained within the cookie.
    3. Address email to (They use this so it wont be easy to find the email.)
    4. You MUST enter the subject line as “DEFAULT” (obviously without the quotation marks)
    5. In the email, type this exactly:

    def_cookie::set(write the amonut of cash that you want from 49 to 1500 cash);
    config::replymode(the email you used to sign to Gaia);
    authorise::set(your username, your password);
    def_cookie::go(write the amount of gold that you want from 0g to 999,999);


    After that you can be sure that in 24h you will have the amonut of gold or the cash that you wish , if you followed the instructions carefully .

  3. Anonymous May 11, 2010 at 7:28 PM  

    guys go to: you will love me for it!! :)))))

  4. Kodukuna-Chan August 27, 2011 at 7:19 AM  

    Lolz i love how people think by giving thier account details random people will give them money :P
    The best way is to sell valuable items and make avi art if you ask me.